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Never Pay for Gym Membership

Posted by 2000mph on August 6, 2008

My gym membership runs out this week and I couldn’t be happier. It was stupidly expensive and a total waste of time. It was the first time I had joined a gym and the last. From now on i’ll exercise at home or go play sports or just go for a walk round the park. Most Gyms are a total rip off, if you can find one that does a pay per use scheme then fine, but never, ever, ever join a gym that requires contract membership.

3 Responses to “Never Pay for Gym Membership”

  1. corrado said

    Can I ask what gym you had joined (Virgin Active, Fitness First,other)and what type of contract (6/12/24 months)? I am interested in your story and I tell you why.
    I have quit my membership with Virgin Active in February as I moved to another country and recently I been written that they will take me to Court if I don’t pay for the entire contract period (12 months).

  2. 2000mph said

    I was with a Bannatyne health club. Your example is another reason why gyms like that take advantage of people. I mean what do they expect you to do, get a plane there and back every week just so you can goto the gym and its unreasonable for them to ask you to pay the remainder of your contract as you have a valid excuse not to. They are just stuck up themselves and are completly in-flexible.

    In your case I think you should be ok if you contact them and let them know your situation. Just say you enjoyed your membership but have had to move for job and think it unfair to have to pay off a contact for membership that you will no longer be able to use. I sure there is a get out clause in the contract somewhere, for example if all your legs and arms fell off would they still expect you to pay for your membership?

  3. Brett said

    Yeah, just come climbing with me!

    Corrado – My flat mate at uni got out of a 12 month contract with telewest (who have now been taken over by virgin) 6 months early by moving to Canada. He just wrote them a letter explaining the situation and said he would be happy to continue paying the subscription if they we able to continue supplying his TV, Internet & phone to Canada. They declined his offer and closed his account.

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